Friday, November 14, 2014

Kellybell Designs - New Release - Simple Dates Vol 12&13

What day is it? Have you ever tried to think back and figure out when something happened? Did it happen on the first or the second of the month? Was it in January or February? Dates can be very important... like the day you got married or the date your baby was born. Dates can also be very difficult to keep track of or boring to try to record. Scrapbooking is all about recording your memories and dates are a very critical piece of that. Having a diverse assortment of ways to put dates onto your layouts is a good way to add some spice and fun to dating your pages. Today Kelly has 2 new sets of date packs for you. Take a closer look.


These date tags are very flexible. You can change the colors of the tags, flip them around, add the date in the month or just the year. So versatile!


You can find all of Kelly's date packs inside the Kellybell Designs Store. The 2 new packs are priced at 25% off this weekend only. Make sure to add them to your cart.

Here's a page that I made.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Halloween has come and gone this year. Now comes time to scrap all those Halloween pictures you took. Sometimes it's more fun to scrap the pictures of the mean, gory, scary and nasty villains and bad guys. They add so much drama to the page. Who's your favorite villain? Could it be Maleficent, maybe Jafar or how about Cruella De Vil? Villains are the subject of this week's new release from Kellybell Designs. Plus it's an In The Pocket style pack - too cool!


Also new this week is a set of That Covers It Templates. Kelly's got a little bit different twist on these, they've got some circles in them.


You can find all of these new packs inside the Kellybell Designs Store for 25% off this weekend only. Make sure to pick these up soon.

Now let's take a look at how I scrapped with these new packs.

Kelly's CT gals have some villainous goodies for you today. You can find them in the blogs below. Have a great weekend and happy scrapping!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Kellybell Designs Novemeber Blog Challenge

2014 has really flown by fast! This will be the last blog challenge of the year. We take the month of December off since the holiday season is so busy and hectic. Have you enjoyed the challenges so far? I hope so! This last challenge is all about FOOD. Dining at Disney is quite a yummy experience!

CT member Julie has a set of pocket style journal cards that's the participation prize this month. Make sure you submit a layout so that you can get this pack.

Here are the rules and instructions to participation in the Monthly Blog Challenge:
  • Create a layout that involves food during your Disney trip. That might be a character meal, snacks, signature dining, ADRs, etc.
  • Use the word "food" somewhere on the page. It can be in your journaling, a title or tag.
  • Use as many photos as you'd like.
  • Use as many elements and papers as you'd like.
  • While the instructions are written for Walt Disneyworld, please adapt them for any of the other Disney parks around the world.
  • Layouts should be made with 100% Kellybell products or freebies (you are allowed to use a template from another designer). You are welcome to submit more than 1 layout.
  • Post your layout into the Challenges Gallery at Kellybell Designs by midnight EST Nov 30th. Participation prizes will be sent to the email address you have listed with Kelly's gallery so make sure you're registered and logged in before posting your layout.
The random winner of a store gift certificate will be announced the first week of December. That's also when the participation prizes will be sent out.

Here are a few of Kelly's kits to try out for this dining challenge.

Make sure you submit your layout this month. Can't wait to see what dining pages you can come up with! Here is a page that I made.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Happy DSD - Mad for the Mouse Speed Scrap

Happy Digital Scrapbook Day.  I am going to be attached to my computer all day taking in part in all the fun and games as well as getting lots of pages done.  It's the one day a year I don't feel guilty about ignoring the family and taking some time for myself.  

Did you see the great sale as well as Wish List Give Away that Mad for the Mouse is having?   Michelle is being so generous and offering up a great prize.  Fridays winner received over $70 in Mad for the Mouse products.  There is still time to pick up some great items on sale.  Head to the blog for more information on the Wish List Give Away

Michelle is also hosting a Speed Scrap tonight over at Mouse Scrappers.  Come on over for some fun.  I have it on good authority that that  the participation prize is awesome and there may just be some other fun and games.

Kellybell Digital Scrapbook Day

Today is Digital Scrapbooking Day. It's always celebrated on the first Saturday in November. It's a day we celebrate scrapping on our computers and cell phones. Crazy to think how far the scrapbooking industry has come. First it was only paper scrapping, then scrapping on your PC, now you can create a page on your phone. Wow!

Kelly has some fun things happening today. First is a store wide sale. You can get 35% off everything (except bundles and gift certificates). So head on over to the Kellybell Designs Store and browse through all her collections. Make sure you also stay tuned into Kelly's Facebook page because she'll be tossing out some coupons throughout the day.

Kelly is offering a new kit called "Wanna Be Royal" that's available for free for one day only - Saturday November 1st. You can find it in the store. It's a darling kit inspired by the ugly stepsisters. It contains 8 papers and an assortment of elements for scrapping your photos with Anastasia and Drizella.

Isn't that kit adorable? It's got some pink items for Anastasia and some green items for Drizella. It could also be used for other villains or even fairies.  Sweet! Here's a page that I made of my daughter and I being silly in our villain ears.

Kelly's Creative Team has a Cinderella themed word art blog train for you. This theme complements  the step sisters kit above. Along the way, you can collect 15 different word art titles. How pretty! You're just going to love it.

Here is your blog train path:

Kelly (also hosting Ana's freebie) -
Linda (also hosting Lynnette's freebie) -

The Cinderella themed blog train is just a blast. Have fun collecting all the freebies and make sure you stop by the Kellybell Designs store for the sale.

Click Here to Download

Friday, October 31, 2014

Mad for the Mouse - DSD Train and New Kit

Digital Scrapbook Day/Weekend is sure to be a busy weekend. Make sure you carve out some time to stop by the
Mad for the Mouse Shop and browse around, add a few favorites to your wish list! Michelle is holding a Wishlist Challenge! Add your favorite items to your wish list before 9pm Nov.1, and you'll be eligible to win your entire wish list!!
*Winner will be announced at 9pm Nov. 1!!

While you're there check out her newest kit, Strike Split Spare!! Disney is an amazing place to make wonderful memories, but the memories aren't just limited to the theme parks! Many families hit Downtown Disney at least once! Most times it's either on the day of arrival or the day of departure. In 2012 Disney added Splitsville, a luxury bowling venue, with great dining. If you haven't been to Splitsville, this kit will surely get you amped to try your hand at a little bowling on arrival day!

Mad for the Mouse is having a SALE this weekend too!!

I had so much fun playing with the new kit.  Check out these pages I created:

DSD Blog Train

And you should see the freebies Michelle's team has for you!!! Her team made a Disney Memories Calendar for you! Make sure you collect all 12 months and the Cover! Be sure to say thank you while you download! These will only be available for the next week, so make sure you grab them!

The team has found two places that can print both the top and bottom of 8 1/2" x 11" calendars separately.
The first is called Artscow, they are in China, and shipping can take up to 2 weeks or more.
They are currently offering 35% percent off with code: 35OFFSITE

The other one is Heritage Makers.  Right now these calendars are as little as $19.96 and Club HM members can get an extra 15 - 25% off depending on your club level.  

I don't know about you, but I feel a quick and easy holiday gift in the making. 

I created April for you:

You can download it  HERE.
Now available for Purchase on Mad for the Mouse.

Michelle made these cute icons to add to your calendar, you can pick them up in the store!

You're next stop is Christy, who has May for you!
Here is a list of Blog train if you get lost!

Christine  -------------------You Are Here
 Have a Magical Weekend!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

KellyBell Designs - Sneak Peak and DSD Preview

I don't know about you, but I can't wait for Digital Scrapbook Day.  So many designers and stores are having great sales and many other things.  KellyBell is no exception.  To kick off the weekend she is having an awesome sale.  One that is made even better if you subscribe to her mailing list.

Check out this preview to the awesome free kit. Remember it's only available free for one day only.  You wont be disappointed. 

Be sure to check back here, or Kelly's blog, on Saturday for some more surprises from Kelly and the team.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Mad for the Mouse Preview and DSD Sale

Michelle has been at it again.  She has come up with a really great and versatile kit for you.  I can't wait to share with you the full reveal.  It is chalked full of goodies.

In honor of Digital Scrapbook Day, Michelle is offering up an awesome opportunity for you to win your wishlist at her store.  Head on over to the Mad for the Mouse blog to learn more about the drawing and what you need to do to enter. 

And if that wasn't enough, Mad for the Mouse is having an awesome sale this weekend.

Be on the lookout for other great Mad for the Mouse and Digital Scrapbook Day surprises.  It's going to be one heck of a weekend.  Get your supplies and wishlists organized and ready to go.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Kellybell Designs - New Release

Halloween is fast approaching! It's time for all the ghosts and goblins to come on out and play with us mere mortals. Do your kids have their costumes picked out yet? Halloween is such a fun holiday. If you've ever been to Disney's Halloween party, you know how festive it can be. Kelly's newest collection is inspired by the Halloween holiday. It's filled with a witch hat, ghosts, tombstone, pumpkin, candy corn, lollipops, flairs, word tags, coffin, ribbons, iron fence, bat, candies and much more. The color palette is the classic black and orange with hints of green and purple. You're going to love it. Take a look.

Kelly's got a new twist with paper stacks - it's a brand new way of packaging paper stacks which offers more flexibility. They're called Layered Paper Stacks. This new pack contain 4 JPG files and 4 PNG files. The JPG files contain the stacked papers. The PNG files contain the clustered elements. You can mix and match any of the clustered elements over any of the papers. How many times have you wanted to tuck some photos under the clusters or add/erase some of the existing clusters? Well now you can. Plus you can use the clustered elements all by themselves on your own layout. Kinda like a page starters. How cool is that? Layered Paper Stacks - check them out.

Something else that's new with this release are some festive sprays. Did you ever think that spider webs could be so colorful?

You can also pick up the matching word arts and page starters. All gorgeous!

You can find this collection along with all of Kelly's kits and accessories at the Kellybell Designs Store. These new releases are priced at 25% off this weekend only.

Scrapping Halloween photos is so much fun. It's like reliving the parties and trick or treating all over again. Here's a page that I made.

If you go trick or treating over at Jenn's Blog, Julie's Blog and Roxana's Blog, you'll find that they have some eye candy for you in the form of a freebie. Sweet! Give the gals a hug along the way. Happy Scrapping! Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Kellybell Sneak Peak

I am so excited to share this sneak peak with you. 
Kelly has something spooky up her sleeve. 

Be sure to head on over to Kelly's blog for a chance to win your own copy.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Kellybell New Release

What kind of princess are you? Are you the sweet girly type, the athletic warrior type or maybe the mermaid type. Every Disney princess has a unique personality and goes on amazing adventures. When you're inside a Disney park, you can't help but snap hundreds on pictures of all the princess characters, castles and rides. To document all those memories, Kelly's got a new set of Princess Sentimental sayings. These are perfect as stand alone titles or as captions under a photo.


Also new today is a second set of Collage Crazy templates. This set features several large photo blocks to serve as a central focus. Just image a huge photo of Cinderella's castle in one of those photo blocks or even a photo of your daughter hugging Cinderella. Just perfect!


These new packs are priced at 25% off inside the Kellybell Designs Store. While you are there, make sure you check out the other template packs and pocket accessories.

These templates are so fun to scrap with. Especially when you add in lots of princess photos. Here's are two pages that I made.

Are you ready for a few freebies? Kelly's Creative Team comes up with some great ones. Here's where you can find today's freebie gifts. Have a great weekend.

Charlene -
Jennifer -
Jessica -

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Kellybell Designs - Sneak Peak

I can't wait to share with Kellybell's new releases this weekend.  The layouts everyone has created has left me breathless.

Be sure to swing by Kelly's blog for a chance to win a copy.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Kellybell Designs: Adventure is out there!

Adventure is out there! Caw-Caw! Isn't going exploring just a blast? So many new things to investigate, new places to go, new recipes to try, new rides and shows to test out. Disney is certainly a place worth exploring, especially if you're a Senior Wilderness Explorer like Russell from the UP movie. Russell, Dug and Mr. Fredricksen had some great adventures in their travels to Paradise Falls! Have you met these Disney characters yet? They're really adorable. Kelly's newest collection this week was inspired by the UP movie. You're gonna love it. It's called....


Inside this kit you'll find 15 papers in woodsy patterns and colors. For elements, you'll get a Russell doll, bear, wood stump, balloons, merit badges, acorn, grape soda bottlecap, leaves, backpack, binoculars, boulders, hiking boots, squirrel, banner, grasses, frames, pine tree, journal tags and much more.

This collection is fabulous for not only scrapping your meetings with the UP characters, but also for Wilderness Lodge, The Grand Californian Hotel, Grizzly Peak, Redwood Creek Challenge Trail and other camping adventures. Kelly has a set of premade paper stacks, page starters and word art that can make your scrapping go much quicker. Check them out.

This collection can be found at and is priced at 25% off this weekend only. Make sure you grab it while it's on sale. Check out all the other cool kits in the store while you're there.

This collection was so much fun to scrap with. It's great for all kinds of outdoor adventures. Here's a page that I made.

Kelly's Creative Team has 3 gorgeous freebies for you. At Lisa's Blog, you find some journal cards. At JulieP's Blog and Jenn's Blog, you'll find a word art title. Give the ladies a little bit of love along the way. Hope you enjoy this new collection. Have a great weekend!